Early morning coffee in the Strip District. Its a great way to start your day
The Strip District is one of my favorite places. The food, the shops, the black and gold. It’s the heart of Pittsburgh. This day was different. This is your view! The below video is 360. click and move the video around to make your own tour of the Strip.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QqiFkhUo80[/embedyt]In resent years housing development has replaced the old rail yards and warehouses of the Strip District.
But its still the Strip District. You still find warehouses and shops. The Strip District is a small neighborhood north of downtown along the Allegheny River. The Strip District runs between 11th and 33rd Streets and includes four main thoroughfares—Railroad Street/Waterfront Place, Smallman Street, Penn Avenue, and Liberty Avenue—as well as various side streets.
Once home to many mills and factories, today the Strip District is home to dozens of tech and robotics companies.[2]
In the early 19th century, the Strip District was home to factories and warehouses. Its location along the Allegheny River made for easy to ship and raw materials. It was the home of the Fort Pitt Foundry, source of large cannons during the Civil War. But it is most famous for the birth of Heinz Ketchup. (The H.J. Heinz Company)
Since the late 20th century, the area has developed into a historic market district with many ethnic food purveyors, some art studios, antique dealers, unique boutiques, and other businesses setting up shop where trains once delivered produce by the ton. The lack of weekday activity is in someways compensated by retail and leisure facilities which are used primarily on weekends. Particularly in the summer months, there are open-air farmers’ markets, a range of street vendors and facilities to enjoy open air drinks. Residential developers have begun to convert old factory and warehouse buildings into apartments and lofts. Examples include the Armstrong Cork Factory, Brake House Lofts, and the Otto Milk Building.
More recently, the area has attracted a number of technology companies and become a hotbed for autonomous vehicle and robotics technology.